Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Oh So Silly
A little play date at our house this morning.
Of course we're gonna do some "SILLY!"

Check out the other entries for this week's theme over at I Heart Faces
I heart faces
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Happy Tuesday Everyone! What are you tooting about this week? Me?...
Well, thanks to the extended weekend (thanks to MLK Day) I have all my laundry completed! My house is neat. And I didn't make my family eat left-overs and sandwiches all weekend! I cooked! Yea for me!
One day Hawaiian chicken meatballs w/ veggies and rice and
the other day, Chili and cornbread! Yes the meatballs were store bought. I LOVE Aidells products. Have you tried them? Yum! And who doesn't love a simple chili on a cold day? Easy meals! Done!
The highlight of my weekend was making this beautiful fairy house with my daughter.

Despite the frigid temps we gathered sticks, gum balls and leaves to make all the "real" fairies a nice warm place to stay. I hate to lie to her, but even when I tried to explain to her that fairies are just pretend, she insisted that they are real!! The moss, the pretty geode and small rocks make a nice little dining area, don't you think?

Well, would you look at that!!
Maybe they are real!!

Add your link below if you're playing along!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Toot Your Horn Tuesday - Encourage Each Other!
Good Morning Little Birdies!
What do you have to Toot about today? Usually this time of the year is when I start to fall into a slump. It's cold out and it gets harder and harder to find the sun. BUT here on the coast of Virginia, we've had a very warm season thus far. Our weather is always unpredictable and comparatively mild thank goodness. Why do I allow the weather to affect my mood?!
Anyway, it's been so long since I've really written on my blog, I thought I'd just take today to encourage you and also receive some encouragement. Are you in a rut? Are you having a hard time adjusting since the holidays? We don't always have big eventful and productive days! I try to remember that. And especially if you still have young children at home with you all day! My daughter is in preschool 3 days a week. That's a total of 9 hours. Closer to 8 really when you count travel time. Not that I can't be productive when she's home, but often I find it hard to actually finish a task. I'm constantly distracted! Did I mention that I have 3 other children? Granted, they are all teenagers and don't yell my name throughout the day to come help them pull their pants up, but distracting just the same!
My husband does not put any pressure on me to have a spotless house. He doesn't get upset when his laundry is piled high on the bed, unfolded! If he doesn't smell dinner when he gets home from work, he steps right in and asks what he can help prepare! (I found him at Disney Land in case you're looking) If he doesn't put the pressure on, where does it come from!? It must be the curse of the housewife!
Try to remember that no matter how hard we try, there WILL be days like this. Even still there is always something to Toot about!! Maybe you haven't cooked a 3 course meal. Maybe you haven't sewn a quilt. Maybe you went to work and spent the entire day on the phone rather then tending your daily duties. But maybe you spent a little extra time cuddling with your little one. Or maybe you got that "thinking of you" card in the mail. Maybe you just made it to work on time after your children tried their hardest to make it impossible! These are things to Toot about!!
Give yourself a pat on the back! And be an encourager to someone else who thinks they have to do it all, but always seems to fall short. We are who we are and God loves us just the same. Every one of us!!
If you've written on your blog and would like to link up, make sure you add your link below and leave a comment. It's important to link back as well. You can use the button on my sidebar or just place a little hyperlink somewhere in your post. Then read through other blogs and be an encourager!! Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Toot Your Horn
Monday, January 9, 2012
I heart faces - Best Face Photo 2011
I haven't posted a photo to I heart faces in soooooo long! Since photography is now my business, I thought I'd join back in on the fun. The theme this week is Best Face Photo of 2011. I knew almost immediately which photo I would use. Glynis, my daughter, has my favorite face in the world. Mostly because I just love her so much!
If you'd like to play along with their photo challenge, here's the button to click!

And guess what else! I WILL be hosting Toot Your Horn Tuesday this week so definitely check back and link your post!
I heart faces
Friday, January 6, 2012
Happy Friday Everyone!
Wasn't really feelin' it today. My head is hurting from sinus pressure. I've got a long to-do list and I'm tired, so I decided to listen to this stupid song and be silly to get me out of this funk. It worked! Happy Friday!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
A Sampling from the all new IMac
Still neglecting my blog, but still for good reasons! My new photography business is doing pretty well. Probably spending much more time on it then it's actually worth, but I have made a few dollars and I'm thoroughly enjoying myself. Best thing to happen recently is that I switched over to Mac! Here's 2 of my first edits using this beautiful machine! In fact, this is the first time really using the computer at all! I absolutely LOVE it! Still entirely too much to learn so I'm planning on sleeping less these next few weeks. ....already breaking a New Year's Resolution!! I plan on doing a Toot Your Horn Tuesday next week!! So Link Up!! I'd also like to resume my participation in I Heart Faces. Have you heard of that?! Please check it out when you have time. It's lots of fun!

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