Remember the contest I entered last week?
I Won!!!I just about wet my pants when I opened the email.
I guess it's my destiny. When I started this blog a few months ago, I thought for sure it would be something that would fall to the wayside within weeks. It's been quite time consuming just learning how to use the easy editing tools. And then wondering if anyone is really reading my lame posts.
But as you see, I now have "2" followers (see over on the right side of the page.) Thank you Joan and Robin!
And to my local friends and family: I know you're popping on here now and again to see what is going on in my crazy household, but it sure would be nice if you'd leave a comment so I know you've been here! My own mother hasn't even done that!
So like I said, winning the blog make-over is all the proof I need.
Bloggerhood is my destiny. This is only the beginning. It all started here, with my little "mommy blog," but who knows what greatness I will achieve.
With all that said...One of my
bloggerhood buddies and Sister in Christ,
Tarah, has "tagged" me. She has a beautiful sight called
Eyelashes and Endzones. Check her out after you've finished with my post. And don't forget to leave some random thoughts on my site!
7 Random and/or Weird Facts about Leah
1. When I was a teenager, I had a humongous mole removed from inside my belly button.
2. My Dad called me Dumptruck when I was little and sometimes still does.
3. I use to be a bank teller "BK" (that stands for before kids.)
4. I also worked in a party supply store and sometimes I would inhale helium from a balloon and
call my friends. (I didn't know back then that it was harmful!)
5. On the eve of my first wedding (I'm remarried) I ran over a possum and killed it.
(I knew that marriage was doomed.)
Ok, something more up to date...
6. I absolutely adore chocolate peanut butter cup ice cream and I don't like to share it!
7. My current husband and I met in Disneyland when I was 16,
we went our separate ways and then years later, I found him on It's such an amazing love story. I'm guessing Oprah will have us on soon. :)
And I'm tagging these other bloggers:
Ok, so I only have 6, sue me!