I have 3 sons. *sigh* They argue a lot.
But this summer, Carson, the middle child, is visiting family in Arizona. He's been gone for a week already and won't be home for 2 more. I miss him so much!
It's very strange when one of us is missing. The house feels different. But the biggest difference in this case is the noticeably reduced ARGUING! For some reason, my oldest (18 yrs) and my youngest (12 yrs) get along very well. This is surprising considering the age difference. Anyway, I'm posting a video that they made a few nights ago. They both love to sing and they did an amazing job with this song called Beauty in the Breakdown by The Scene Aesthetic (whom I had never heard of until now.) Their initial reason for making this video was to submit it to America's Got Talent YouTube competion. I think they should have won, but who am I? Just a Mom!!
Check them out if you have time. You might smile :)
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