Friday, May 22, 2009

Photostory Friday - Clue

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Someone made a mess!! See if you can identify the culprits.
Here are The Suspects:
The Cat
The Toddler


Joan said...

Very cute. And messy.


Maggie May said...

Well it didn't seem as though it could be the cat!
BTW...... can I borrow your cat? LOL.
Lovely PSF!

Ali said...

Her face in Mess #2 is beyond priceless.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

What a cute set of trouble makers though! The furry one and the dangerous toddler!
My guesses are: cat, toddler, cat toddler....

Puna said...

Too funny!
1) the cat
2) the cat
3) the cat
4) the cat
I'm sure the cute little girl would never do anything wrong!

Anonymous said...

ROFL - that is all I can say!

Lisa said...

I'm thinking at least a couple of those messes required opposable thumbs! She's adorable, though, so I'd find it so hard to believe The Toddler was responsible for any of them. :-)

Great shots.


He & Me + 3 said...

You better divide and conquer. Yikes.

A Lady's Life said...

Mama, we're all crazy now.. (SLADE)
I'm afraid it doesn't change much with years.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Ah...I'm going to say it's the Toddler. But she's cute at least! Very cute post.

Anonymous said...

Cute post! I think the toddler! Cause that face in mess #2 says it all! At least she is a cutie! :)

Shellie said...

I knew when the first two were a cat and a toddler that there would be trouble to follow!

Sue said...

Wasn't it "Nobody" who did all that? Very cute post!!

kayerj said...

I call that items for the "round file". I've found that if I take a minute to take a picture of the mess it calms me down and makes me look at it in a differnt perspective. Then I put the pictures in a photo file called the round file (garbage can). Flipping through the pictures sure brings a laugh. Great post and I loved your pictures. Hope you can stop by to view my photo hunt Thanks so much.

Holly said...

My guess is the adorable toddler. My cat unrolls toilet paper too, but it usually stays in neat little folds... Cute idea for a PSF! said...

That SOOOOO reminds me of my house. And thanks for leaving a comment on my blog mama. : )

E @ Scottsville said...

Okay --- in the picture with MESS #2 --- her face is PRICELESS!!!

Too cute!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, those are some serious messes. We had a salt one like that pretty recently here, too.