Today is 09/09/09. There are 9 letters in "Wednesday." There are 9 letters in "September." This is the 252nd day of the year...2+5+2=9.
Glynis said "Mommy" 9,999,999 times today between the hours of 9am and 9pm. Her middle name is Rae. There are 9 letters in Glynis Rae. My middle name is Renee. There are 9 letters in Leah Renee.
And I know what you're thinking right now..."I don't care!"
(Ah Ha, there are 9 letters in "I don't care!")
Something tells me that you like the # 9 !!! LOL. That was funny and very random! I love those!
On my blog roll, it says you left this post 9 hours ago. :)
Ok... that was very cute... and my goodness... you had some time on your hands yesterday - hee hee
Loved it Leah! :-)
Wow! I never would even think to figure that all out, but they are very coincidental!
I'm here because your blog is featured on blog frog - its very cute! I'm going to follow!
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