Monday, May 16, 2011

Toot Your Horn Tuesday - Rule Reminder

Welcome to Toot Your Horn Tuesday!! I realize that I've been lax this year with my Tuesday Party, but I still have lots of participants, so let's go over the rules again...

You can "Toot" about anything you'd like! Whether you've knitted curtains, painted a mural, cooked for the Queen, or just made it through the day without your house falling down (which is usually my biggest accomplishment!)

Once you're ready to use Mr. Linky, you must also use one of the codes provided on my left sidebar to post my button into your post or somewhere on your page.
If you're not fond of buttons, then just place a simple link( that others can find out where to play!

Please follow the rules, as it allows the party to grow!! If I visit your post and can't find the link back to the party, then you'll be removed.

Now, if you don't have a blog/website, but you'd still like to play, just go to the comment area and Toot Away!!

Today my Toot is for this fun, free activity that kept Glynis and her friend busy for quite a while!! After coloring with markers and letting the girls practice using tape on the paper towel rolls, we cut them and taped them to the wall to make a cool marble run!

We actually opted for big glass beads (that wouldn't roll away) instead of marbles. We also used tin foil balls. What fun they had!!

Here it is again on a bigger scale for my preschool class. They had such fun!

Toot Your Horn Tuesday Participants
1. Feeding Black Birds-n-Squirrels?
2. Mercury Mantel
3. Blueberry Bars - Ali
4. Cheeseburger Ring - Ali
5. Hand cut map art :)
6. Sweet and Sour Chicken
7. Pound Cake and Strawberry Ice Cream
8. Paula @ Yay Home
9. Fancy Camera Strap
10. Fettuccine Alfredo
11. Whale Coin Purse
12. Upside Down Tomato Buckets
13. Candy @ The Little Round Table
14. Homeschool Grad & card
15. Stencil your own Window Treatments!
16. Raspberry Beer Cocktail
17. Thrifty Photo Blocks @ In His Grip
18. Kagi
19. Tack and Twine Balls
20. Pottery Barn Knock Off
21. Beautifully Made
22. Dog Treat Jars
23. Shopping Card Organizer
24. Fridge Frame
25. Coral Reef Dress Tut
26. Fried Egg Omelet

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Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

What a creative idea. When my children were young, we had a plastic marble game where they would joint many different plastic pieces to create a marble maze...we had lots of fun playing with it! Thanks so much for the party! Hope your week is wonderful!

Becca Bertotti said...

How cute is that game ?! I might have to try with my kiddo !! Thanks so much for hosting. xo

Anonymous said...

Such a creative idea. I will have to try that with the kids this summer!

Maria Matter said...

too fun!

Thanks for hosting!

Bloomsandbugs said...

I linked up my Coral Reef Dress Tutorial.